You may want to consider a job as an executive assistant (EA) if you have management, organisation, and communication skills and enjoy helping people stay on track to meet their goals. Although this type of work seems straightforward because of its name, being an EA entails much more than working for a top-level company officer.

The various job responsibilities of an EA mean that it can be very demanding. However, this also means you get a front-row seat to behind-the-scenes moments at the top level. And these days, EAs are not necessarily required to show up in person at all times, so it is one of the most rewarding jobs you can do remotely.

If this sounds like a career path you would like, you will be glad to know that starting as an EA is not rocket science. With some well-built credentials, you can already start applying to become one. So, to help you begin your journey to becoming an EA, here are some of the most relevant steps you need to take:

Build Your Resume

As with most jobs, one of the minimum qualifications you would need is a degree in Business Management or any other related field. Of course, some companies would not require a degree, given that plenty of non-college graduates can be just as skilful, if not more so. That said, being able to include a diploma on your resume can make it stand out against those without one.

Adding to that, you should also consider taking certifications in a few of the responsibilities you expect to do as an executive assistant, including computer literacy, communication capabilities, bookkeeping, and project management, among many others. Again, certifications are not necessarily required, but they would make you stand out among the hundreds of other applicants vying for the same position as you.

Gather Relevant Experience and Training

Experience is truly the best teacher. It does not matter if you have an MBA, or an entire binder dedicated to certificates if you have zero practical experience with what you have learned. The best executive assistants have backgrounds in managing people, projects, and accounts, but you can only develop these skills if you apply your knowledge to actual practice.

So, if you get an offer from an internship or small business that does not quite match your expectations but means you gain the experience you need to apply for more competitive job openings, consider accepting it if you can afford to do so. You do have to start somewhere, and as the saying goes, “Rome wasn’t built in a day.” Remember: you can always work your way up the ladder to being an EA for your dream company or executive by honing what you already know in theory.

Another option is to volunteer at a non-profit organisation you would like to support. Although their compensation packages may not match those of larger companies, these organisations can still be a worthwhile avenue for gaining practical experience. Many non-profits often need as much help as they can get with project management and other back-end duties, which can give you the practice you need.

Always Continue Learning and Taking the Initiative

Once you finally land a position as an EA, remember that your journey does not end there. The administrative industry is high paying, which means it is highly competitive, with millions of other people clamouring to get to the top. That is why it is crucial to maintain a learning mindset and continually improve your knowledge and skills.

You do not have to do all this alone, though. You can always learn a lot by talking to professionals you encounter throughout your careers, such as fellow assistants and EAs from other companies. You can widen your network and gain valuable insights into how other EAs and organisations work in the background, which could further your knowledge and skills.

More than anything, it is always a good look for your executive to have an engaged, confident, and curious assistant by their side. Before you know it, maintaining a growth mindset may mean a promotion or pay raise is just around the corner.

Executive assistants indeed bear such huge responsibilities that some consider them the backbone of their respective organisations. Indeed, despite the often-challenging workloads, becoming an EA can be very fulfilling in terms of self-development and career growth. The training you can undergo, the people you meet, the insights you gain, and the network you can build as an EA make it one of the most diverse and gratifying careers a person could have.

With that said, even after following the tips above, you may still need guidance when starting your career as an executive assistant. To help you find your footing, consider reaching out to Priority Management.

As an organisation that provides training programmes to professionals and corporations, Priority Management offers a variety of courses that you can take to develop the skills you need to become an EA. Some of these courses cover project management, time management, and leadership.

Contact Priority Management today to get the training you need, and you will become one step closer to finally kick-starting your dream career.